“Enjovu, The Elephant Tail” has been Nominated Twice for “Best Sound Design” and “Best Animation”
Woohoo!!! Exciting News!!! Our Nkoza and Nankya, 3D animated Short Film, entitled, “Enjovu, The Elephant Tail” has been Nominated Twice for “Best Sound Design” and “Best Animation” at the Revolution Me Film Festival in New York. Thank you so much for all the support!! Like we say in Uganda, Kamu Kamu gwemuganda and Gakyali Mabaga!!! We are so grateful to see our work recognized on the international stage, as we continue to promote & celebrate our rich and diverse Ugandan/African Heritage. Mwebale Nnyo!!! ~ https://www.nkozaandnankya.com/mobileapp ~ https://www.youtube.com/user/NkozaandNankya
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